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Thursday, November 11, 2010

We Honor Our Veterans

Today is the day we Americans have chosen to Honor our nation's Veterans for their service and sacrifice to our country.
As citizens of this God blessed land we say THANK YOU to all our Veterans. We know the commitment that you have made and the sacrifices both you and your families make are to make America FREE for all of us.
It takes a special person to dedicate his or her live to the service of our nation. It takes someone who realizes there is something greater than ourselves; and recognize the founding principles of this nation are worth fighting for and, if necessary, dying for.
America is a great nation because of you, the men and women, who have given their all for us.  We have our freedom today because you placed your lives on the line to defend it. Here, Veterans share their personal stories about life in combat and hear from Peter, who was awarded a Silver Star.

All America salute you, and God bless these United States.

There is one who gave His only son to demonstrate His great love towards us. God loves us! That is the triumphant message of the Bible and the greatest message we will ever hear.
God wanted us to experience His love for us, so He demonstrated that love at great personal cost. God loves us and we know that because He sacrificed His son (Jesus) so that we could have life. 
Yes, God loves you and wants to give you life! “For God so love the world, that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” John 3:16.

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