promote ebook

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Be A Blessing

I have good news for you today. The Bible says, "God takes pleasure" in your prosperity. That's right; God wants you to prosper in every area of your life, Body, Soul and Spirit! No matter what your situations are, God wants you delivered, because He loves you and have an awesome plan for your life.

Even though I had read many scriptures revealing God's promise of healing and prosperity for those that walked in obedience to Him, I never realized it was His prayer and wish for my life. When God sent Jesus to the earth to pay the price for our sin, He had our health and prosperity on His mind.

He wants us to help meet the needs of others and He knows that we can't give away what we don't have. We can't:

  • Give to spread the gospel or buy food for the hungry when we're broke.
  • Go out laying hands on the sick when we're sick.
  • Minister joy to others when we're being held captive by depression.

No! we have to be blessed to be a blessing. Listen to this song by William McDowell "I Give Myself Away."

While listening to this song, I felt lost in the presence of GOD, and wished that I could stay there forever. I gave myself away so He can use me, what about you?

If you really want to tap into the riches of God today, make up your mind to be a blessing to others, and before you know it, you'll be receiving more from God than you ever dream.

God will do the same for you if you'll become His servant, if you'll give Him your time, money and your love for those who need it. Become a giver and God will take pleasure in prospering you.

So, "Let the Lord be magnified, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant" (Psalm 35:27).

God, you're worthy to be praised and I give myself away to You, only You. So here I am Lord, use me.

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