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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Obey My Voice

God said, “Obey My Voice”
Do you ever have trouble hearing from God? Do you find yourself caught in confusing circumstances needing guidance, and yet even after praying and reading the Word; you’re still not sure what God wants you to do?

I’ve had that experience. I knew His written Word and acting on it changed my life. But I was uncertain when I had to make decisions about things the Word didn’t specifically address. Things like whether to change from one job to another, or to relocate from one place of residence to another, for example.

An Inward Witness
What held me back was my inability to know for certain that I was doing the right thing. You see, God’s written Word and the inward witness are two different things. However, they never contradict each other, but they’re both vital to our walk with God.

In the Old Testament for example, God expected Israel to obey His written Word. But He also said to them, “Obey my voice” (Jer. 7:23) because He wanted them to know His Will in specific situations. That’s just what happened when Israel invaded Jericho. They heard God’s voice and acted upon it with astounding success.

Where else do you believe they would have gotten that outlandish battle plan? It wasn’t written in the Law of Moses; and certainly, no four-star general would suggest a “seven day march around a city” as the most effective form of invasion!

How does God speak to us?
But exactly how, you may wonder, does God speak to us? Does He just shout down to us from heaven? Not usually! Romans 8 says the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit; that means, God’s directions come from inside, not outside, of you. Follow God’s instruction to Joshua (Jos. 1:8), get familiar with God’s voice by meditating and studying the word of God.

At times when you receive His guidance, you may even wonder, “Was that me, Lord, or was that you?”  That’s because God doesn’t normally inject thoughts directly into your mind from the outside. Instead, He speaks to your spirit, and your spirit translates it into a thought.

Here’s what you can do! Tune in today to that inward witness, to that quiet knowing, that urging, prompting and leading arising within you. If when you hear it, it sounds like you, don’t be surprise; it is you! It is your spirit being influenced by the Spirit of God!

After you’re born again, your spirit begins to receive guidance from God because you are born of God’s Spirit. You have His nature; and the Holy Spirit lives in your spirit to teach you and to give you direction. 

When young Samuel heard is name called he thought it was Eli calling for him because he had not yet known the Lord. But after he was instructed how to recognize God’s voice, his response was different and thereafter, his life was changed forever. Your life is about to change for the better! God is speaking, are you listening?

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