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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Selective Hearing in the Family Hurts Everyone

Jesus uses the image of sheep and a shepherd in John 10:1-5.

The sheep recognize and trust the shepherd's voice because of how the shepherd provides for them. The same is true for a youngster who trusts his or her parent's voice. Jesus, like the shepherd and father, asks us to trust Him because He wants to take care of us and guide us to wonderful places.

However, just following Jesus is not as simple as we would like to believe. The truth is, we've let voices into our life that aren't pointing us to Jesus. And we've learned to live with it. With so many voices urging us what to do, how can we actually hear God's voice?

The first point is God's gift of scripture. It contains Jesus' life-giving words.

We have the promise of God's Spirit to help and be with us forever; the Spirit of Truth inside us. It possesses the strength and discernment that can only be got from God.

The question is whether we are willing to listen. Are we conditioning our ears? One of the most difficult tasks is that we attempt to listen just for God's voice. God intended for us to go together via the community. It is all too easy to become distracted by sounds, so having those who direct us to Jesus can help us stay on course.

Selective hearing, also known as hearing loss through attention, is a frequent condition that affects a wide variety of people. It happens when we unintentionally filter out noises while dealing with a stimulus that we have chosen to focus on or are really interested in.

Some instances include missing the sound of a doorbell while playing a video game, failing to hear traffic while listening to someone talks and zoning out on a ringing phone call while working on a crossword puzzle.

In these cases, the loudness of the activity we're engaged in does not totally drown out the noise of the background, but our brains choose to selectively focus on one signal.

Does your youngster pay attention just when they hear terms they like, such as ice cream? When a person hears just what is essential to them, this is referred to as selective hearing. It has nothing to do with hearing acuity; it occurs as a result of the brain's prioritization of sounds.

When a child's brain is bombarded with too many sound sources, the brain responds by "tuning out" what appears to be less essential. Men are sometimes held up as the poster children for selective hearing, but women are just as culpable.

Every day, we are bombarded with a plethora of noises. Consider the following scenario on a regular weekday morning: The news is on, the birds are singing, the coffee pot is bubbling, the dishwasher is running, your husband is talking to you, and you are listening to the sounds of the upstairs shower to ensure your child is getting ready for school. 

Despite all of this, you instantly hear the traffic report for the route you typically use.

Selective hearing can assist your brain in recognizing and noticing the most relevant information.

At lower levels of awareness, the brain processes sensory information automatically. When sensory information (including sound) enters the brain, it is processed as follows:

  • ·       Filtering and improving - for example, notifying you when your name is called.
  • ·       Selective Perception, - for example, being unable to appreciate a delicious meal while stressed.
  • ·       Sensory contrast - the difference in brightness between a candle in a dark room and the identical candle outside in the sunlight.
  • ·       Prioritizing – for example, the feel of your garments is irrelevant until there is a tag rubbing against your skin.

This processing is essential and can be beneficial; the cocktail party effect is an example of one of these mechanisms at the action. In a gathering of individuals, with many conversations and noise coming from all directions, the brain may tune towards the most important person to hear and disregard the other discussions. Another example is how a new mother appears to acquire super hearing when it comes to hearing her baby scream and will quickly wake up yet sleep through other, louder sounds. 

How to Manage Selective Hearing

First, check sure you don't have a hearing impairment. Middle ear fluid is a common cause of variable hearing loss in children. Adults with high-frequency hearing loss due to aging will find it more difficult to interpret speech. An audiologist can perform a basic hearing test to identify whether any underlying hearing issues need to be treated.

Before speaking, get someone's attention. Saying their name, using a soft touch, and making eye contact are all effective methods to prepare the brain to absorb the information you wish to give. When you're attempting to have a conversation, make sure your earphones are removed, the TV is muted, or the phone/computer is not in use.

Make it brief. Most adults will lose interest in a topic after approximately six minutes if it is not engaging to them. For youngsters, one or two words may suffice: "Pajamas!" rather than "I want you to go upstairs, locate your yellow pajamas, put them on, and remember to throw your filthy clothes in the hamper."

Most essential, set a good example of listening. Give people your entire attention and ask them to do the same in return. It is a method of improving hearing that has nothing to do with the ears.

Every aspect of our lives must be given over to God. When we place too much emphasis on who we are right now, it becomes difficult to hear His call to transformation. When we have poor self-esteem, God's words of encouragement are muffled.

God cannot speak to someone who is unable to hear a call to change, let go, or simply rest in Him. God is succinct; He just says what is necessary. He will not fill the quiet to make us feel spiritual if we are not inclined to respond to His messages. But if we seek Him with all of our hearts, He will respond.

“For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength” (Isa. 30:15).

When we build walls around ourselves, admitting only those who agree with us, and shutting out those whom God may send to challenge us, expand our vision, enlarge our hearts, or help us grow as the people God wants us to be—when we shut such people out of our lives, we set ourselves up for the crash that occurs when reality hits and we realize we were wrong.

But we don't have to be scared if we believe in God's love for us. “Your power will be found in stillness and trust.” We don't need to hide behind barriers when we trust God. When we trust God, we don't need to surround ourselves with only individuals who share our beliefs. When we believe God, we don't have to be afraid of a prophet or preacher who reads passages from the Bible with which we don’t agree.

We don't have to be frightened because if we take a deep breath and relax our defenses long enough to hear God, we will learn how much God loves us and how much better our lives and the world can be if we listen.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

How To Take Every Thought Captive

The Bible instructs us to “take every thought captive” (2Corinthians 10:5). Therefore, when thoughts are not in line with God’s word, they may do a great deal of harm. They have the potential to spiral out of control, resulting in unpleasant feelings and behaviors. Anxiety is a major area where it is important to take control of every thought.

Our thoughts have tremendous power. They alter our perceptions, affect our judgments, and shape our behaviors. But what if we get enslaved by our thoughts, unable to break free from bad and unhealthy thinking? Let us understand what it means to take control of our ideas and win the mental battle.

Are your thoughts, like your life, out of control? Do you wish you could break away from a cycle of self-destructive thinking? Allow God's truth to become your battle plan for winning the mental fight!

We've all attempted to reason our way out of poor habits and harmful thought patterns, only to end up with an uncontrollable mind and a skewed daily routine.

However, we must recognize that we are in a daily struggle against self-doubt, and that mind renewal can only be achieved via God's word. The word offers effective tactics for defeating the enemy (Ephesians 6:11-18), changing your thoughts and life for the better.

The Bible, based on Scripture, gives forth practical ways to help you break free from destructive thinking and enjoy the life of joy and peace that God wants for you.

Winning the mental war will give you the ability to:

  • Overcome the enemy's deceptions
  • Teach you how to live a successful life in Christ
  • Knowledge of the enemy's kill, steal, and destroy strategies.
  • See the lies that the enemy wants you to believe.
  • Recognize and short-circuit your negative thought triggers.
  • Observe how prayer and praise may change your mindset.
  • Develop habits that allow God's ideas to pervade yours.

Taking control of every idea is straightforward, but it isn't easy. It requires commitment and self-awareness. It takes confession of sin and trust in God, yet it might be the greatest gratifying present you ever give yourself.

First, if you suffer from anxiousness in your thoughts, you can devise a strategy for capturing each one. Make a note of all your anxiety triggers. Because this is a strenuous workout, treat yourself to a nutritious snack or activity afterward. You are naming your worries by writing them down, so they no longer have a stranglehold on you.

Second, seek out verses in the Bible that speak to each of your triggers. 

  • Is it your health that sets you off? Isaiah 38:6 could be of assistance to you.
  • Is death a source of anxiety for you? Psalm 23:4 can be quite beneficial.

Whatever your problem is, God's Word has a remedy for you. A Christian counselor can assist you in locating scriptures that will help you combat worried thoughts in certain areas.

Third, take some time to reflect on the texts you've chosen. Simply said, meditation is the careful and serious consideration of God's Word. It may just take a few minutes, repeated multiple times each day. As you practice Christian meditation, you will begin to feel at ease rather than anxious.

Fourth, put your chosen scriptures on display so that you may view them throughout the day. Because worrying ideas enter your mind hundreds of times every day, it's critical to replace them as often as possible with God's truth.

The majority of us are visual learners who require prompting to pick the truth. Put your favorite scripture on a 3 x 5 card or a sticky note in front of you. Every day, look at it as many times as you need to capture your ideas.

Finally, use affirmations from God's Word to replace your negative self-talk. You may turn your selected scripture into a faith affirmation. Psalm 23:4 for example, is a reference to God accompanying us through the valley of the shadow of death.  

Make a personal prayer out of it! “Today, I choose not to dread this valley,” you may tell yourself. God is close with me, guiding and protecting me. He's looking after me.”

Allowing your ideas to be your biggest adversary is a bad idea. God has a plan for your life that is superior to your previous ways of thinking. It's time to make a mental shift so that God can work in your life.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

You're Guaranteed A Place In Heaven

 Life is a journey full of lessons, trials, heartbreaks, pleasures, celebrations, and unique moments that will eventually bring us to our destination, our life's purpose. The journey will not always be easy, as we'll face several obstacles along the way.

"Anyone who wants to go to heaven, stand up," a preacher urged at a pub. Except for a drunk in the corner, everyone stood up. "My son, don't you want to go to heaven when you die?" the pastor said. The inebriated asked, "When am I going to die? Sure. I thought you were loading up now." Although this may have been a joke, many people regard the proposal as a joke that should not be taken seriously.

Heaven is only open to those who have accepted the invitation. You can't just bribe your way into Heaven, the home of the redeemed, without first completing God's conditions. The prophet Isaiah said, "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels" (Isa. 61:10 KJV).

The wonderful thing is everyone gets invited, which means you have the option of accepting or declining the invitation. As a result, I've concluded that Heaven is not for everyone. But people who aspire to be in Heaven will not only prepare for the journey but will see it as an honor and privilege to be present.

The songwriter and singer, Gene Loves Jezebel, a British rock band formed in the early 1980s wrote this verse with four questions in the song “Who wants to go to Heaven?” He asked, “Who wants to go, who wants to go to Heaven?” “Who needs to ask or reason why?” “Who wants to burn to burn in hellfire?” “Hands up, who wants to die?” These are challenging questions that many must contemplate at one time or the other on their journey to eternity.

Before she died, the ardent, outspoken atheist, Madelyn Murray O’Hair, was asked if she desired to go to heaven. She scoffed, “Who wants to go to a place where all they do is sit around and sing hymns and play harps? Speaking for myself, I’d rather go to hell.” Although the Bible doesn't go into great depth regarding heaven, the last few chapters of Revelation include enough material to pique our interest in going there after we die.

Heaven will have plenty of excellent food. In Heaven will be "The Wedding Supper of the Lamb" (Revelation 19:9) and "The Great Supper of God" (Revelation 19:17). The promise of the bread of life in Heaven entices spiritually hungry people, just like the fragrance of fresh cinnamon buns entices a hungry traveler at an airport.

It will be a source of refreshing water. “Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the gift of the water of life” (Revelation 22:17). When you're very thirsty, nothing tastes better than cool freshwater. The living water of God is an enticing call to the spiritually thirsty.

It will be a breathtakingly beautiful place. The New Jerusalem is compared to a "beautiful bride adorned for her husband" (Revelation 21:2). The streets, walls, and gates are built with precious gems. Heaven will be a tourist's paradise for people who value quality and adore magnificent beauty.

It will be a location of fresh starts. "I am creating everything fresh!" exclaimed the one seated on the throne. (Apocalypse 21:5) The book of Revelation describes a “new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1). The promise of a complete "do-over" sounds lovely to those of us who have committed significant mistakes and wish for a second opportunity!

It will be a relaxing retreat. “Rest from their labor” is assured to those who die in the Lord (Revelation 14:13). Heaven provides a soothing change of pace to people who are tired and "heavy burdened." It will remove the stress! You can unwind now! Our spiritual batteries will be fully recharged, and we will replenish our physical energies!

It will be a location where people can make a difference. “...the Lamb will be in the city, and his attendants will be at his service” (Revelation 22:3). Heaven provides the ultimate purpose to those who truly want their life to count for something. There will be so much to do that is important. We will fill every day with new challenges.

It will be a place where there will be no sin. “God will wipe every tear from their eyes away” (Revelation 21:4). There will be no cancer, still ultrasounds, divorce, broken sentiments, or pandemics... Christ's rule will be flawless! Consider it: no politics! I'm looking forward to it!

It will be a location where people may worship freely. The best part about paradise is that we will be able to meet Jesus Christ face to face. We'll join the crowd in exclaiming, "Hallelujah!" Our Lord, God Almighty, reigns supreme. Let us rejoice and be joyful, and God be praised!” (Read Revelation 19:6-7.) Consider how exciting it is to worship God when He is right in front of us! "God will be with them and will be their God" (Revelation 21:3).

It will be a location where people may have meaningful connections. “Blessed are those who are invited to attend the Lamb's wedding feast” (Revelation 19:9). One elderly saint said he is looking forward to paradise because "I have more friends in heaven than I have on earth!" Consider how wonderful it would be to be reunited with our parents, children, grandparents, and Christian friends who have died before us! Heaven offers the prospect of a glorious reunion to those whose hearts hurt over an empty chair.

Because of death, those of us who have been separated from loved ones for many years, there will come a day when we will no longer have to wait! What an exciting day it will be! Friends I've known for a long time will be present. Around me, joy will flow like a river. But I know that simply a grin from my Savior will be glory for me throughout the ages.

The issue is that most preachers are poor communicators, and as a result, people are unaware of the blessings of Heaven. Jesus preached frequently, expressing God's love. In Luke 4:18, Jesus declared of His earthly mission, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor."

“Jesus traveled around all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, spreading the good news of the kingdom,” Matthew 9:35 states. Every day, Jesus taught the people, guiding them through the Bible and inviting them to confess their sins and live a reformed life.

The ministry of the Rhema Word always results in people's lives being transformed. The power of the written word is undeniable. This world came into being because of God's Word. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead because of the Word, and the Word restores our spiritual health and causes us to change for the better.

Jesus had a deep affection for the Scriptures when he was a child. He knew them and could teach them with authority (Luke 2:46–50). His love for the Father compelled him to read the Bible and learn about the Father's desire.

People should constantly be led to a deeper and richer knowledge of God's Word through the pastor. Note the following important spiritual benefits that the Word of God provides for us.

• We are given life through God's Word (Phil. 2:16).

• God's Word has the power to make us righteous (1 Cor. 15:1, 2).

• God's Word can bring about growth (1 Pet. 2:2).

• We are sanctified by God's Word (John 17:7).

• God's Word teaches us how to be wise (Ps. 119:98).

We frequently reduce Scripture to a collection of facts. The Scriptures, Paul tells us, offer us fresh life in Jesus. Paul commanded Timothy to pay close attention to the public reading and preaching (expounding) of the Scriptures (1 Tim. 4:13). He tells Timothy in his second epistle that the entire Bible is divinely inspired and hence valuable for "teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16).

Spiritual renewal is more important than theoretical understanding. You don't need to satisfy your curiosity, but you need a fresh heart. Before you may enjoy heavenly goods, you must receive a fresh life from above. There will be no saving good for you to discuss Jesus' authority or His mission with Him until this transformation occurs, making everything fresh.

It's time to stop reciting our beliefs and start examining the impact they have. More than information, we require spiritual rejuvenation. We must read the Bible for a new heart, not for the sake of curiosity. That expresses the core of the Word's power. Jesus never lectured sociology, politics, or psychology; instead, He preached the Bible. As a result, He possessed power and authority.

"If God truly desired for everyone to go to paradise, He could compel them to accept His free offer of eternal life." Right? I think that's true. But if you had to accept it, wouldn't you feel compelled to live for Him and obey His commands? When people are compelled to do things, things don't work out so well in partnerships. 

As a result, God does not force anybody (or anyone) to embrace Jesus as their Savior and enjoy the gift of everlasting life that He offers. He encourages others to believe and accept it. (Read 1 John 1:12) However, many people are uninterested and do not believe any of this.

Some believe that God does not want every single individual to go to paradise in the end. If He did, He'd make it happen on His own, according to the logic. But I'd want to provide you proof God does, in fact, desire every individual to get to paradise. Let's get started.

Look for someone who isn't convinced. Maybe it's even you. Now ask that individual to truly turn to the Lord and seek to know Him. To put it another way, truly beg God to pardon your sins and sincerely accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Also, guess what? Anyone and I mean anyone, who does so genuinely will be amazed at how simple it is to reach God and, eventually, paradise. "The reason it is so simple for us to earn salvation is that it cost God so much," stated Oswald Chambers.

The proof that God wants everyone to be rescued may be found first and foremost in Scripture, which teaches this reality (2 Peter 3:9 and 1 Timothy 2:4). However, there is additional evidence. That is something that may be discovered in the human experience. This gift is given to everyone who comes to Christ in faith for salvation. Their transgressions have been forgiven. Why? Because of this, "God desires that all people be rescued and come to know the truth" (2 Timothy 1:4).

What do you think you won't discover in the world? There aren't many individuals who claim, "I went to God in repentance and trust, but He turned me down. He was not interested in me. I wasn't up to the task." That doesn't happen very often.

What is the best way for you to embrace Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Invite Jesus into your heart to become your personal Lord and Savior via prayer. "For man believes in righteousness with his heart (core being) and confesses salvation with his tongue." (Romans 10:10) "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" ( Romans 10:13).

Then Peter addressed them, saying, "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and ye will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:38). “Therefore, we are buried with him by baptism into death, that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too may live in newness of life,” Paul declared (Rom. 6:4).

Let's say a prayer! Dear Jesus, I recognize that I am a sinner on my way to hell; thus, I confess my transgressions and beg for forgiveness. I believe You died on Calvary for my sins and rose again. I repent of my wicked ways and welcome You into my heart and life. As my Lord and Savior, I want to trust and obey You. In Jesus' name, I thank You for loving me and giving me the hope of eternal life. Amen!

You're guaranteed a place in Heaven if you genuinely prayed this prayer, find a bible-believing church, and ask the pastor to have you baptized by immersion in water as a witness to your choice today; for he who believes and is baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:16).